Building a cold B2B sales department from scratch for the US market. Recruiting.

"NOVODEK USA" — production of light boxes, mobile stands, design of commercial platforms and showcases
Country: USA
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase - 20 weeks
Support phase - 17 weeks
Created a cold B2B sales department from scratch for the US market
Created the organizational structure of the sales department
Hired all employees for cold sales department
After the system was built, the first sales in the United States began
"NOVODEK USA" emerged as an agency specializing in comprehensive advertising decoration and servicing of fashion retail networks, introducing the widespread adoption of SEG technology. The company was the first to offer a comprehensive turnkey package: from design development to coordination of installation projects in retail locations throughout Eastern Europe. The agency cemented its reputation as a leader in SEG fabric printing and lightbox production.
Client's request to us
  • Cold B2B sales department
    Lack of a cold sales department.
  • The organizational structure
    Lack of a clear organizational structure of the sales department.
  • Hiring
    Lack of employees for the cold sales department.
  • Scripts
    No scripts for sales managers.
  • CRM
    Lack of CRM.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    Cold B2B sales department
    Building a cold B2B sales department from scratch for the US market.
  • 2
    Organizational structure
    Created the organizational structure of the sales department.
  • 3
    Hiring managers
    Hired all employees for cold sales department (writing vacancies, search, interviews, adaptation). Hired 2 managers: receiver and project manager.
  • 4
    Created and implemented scripts.
  • 5
    Motivation and KPI
    Created and implemented a system of financial and non-financial motivation, as well as a system of leading and lagging indicators.
  • 6
    Help with the selection and implementation of CRM, all funnels and business processes are spelled out.
  • 7
    Sales in the US market
    After the system was built from scratch, the first sales in the US market began.
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    Several managers in the sales department
  • One year after the project
    Project manager, sales managers, receiver
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