Building a B2C sales team. Recruiting

«IQOSA» — interior design studio.
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase: 15 weeks.
Support phase: 13 weeks.
Owner's withdrawal from the sales process.
Building a systematic B2C sales team.
Increasing the conversion rate.
Launched a hypothesis for the B2B sales team in the cold from scratch.
«IQOSA» — international interior design and architecture studio. The company develops and implements projects for residential and commercial facilities. The company provides clients with individual design solutions that reflect the personality of the occupant and emphasize unique architectural features.
Client's request to us
  • Owner and sales
    The owner independently engaged in sales.
  • Conversion
    Low conversion of incoming orders.
  • System sales
    Lack of systematic sales.
  • Structure of the sales team
    Lack of a clear structure of the sales team for today and for the future in case of scaling.
  • Scripts
    Lack of scripts.
  • CRM
    Lack of CRM.
  • Dashboards and planning
    Lack of dashboards and planning.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    Owner and sales
    The owner's withdrawal from the sales process.
  • 2
    Systematic B2C sales team
    Building a systematic B2C sales team.
  • 3
    Increase conversion rates.
  • 4
    B2B sales team from scratch
    Launched a hypothesis for the B2B sales team in the cold from scratch.
  • 5
    Operational rhythm of the sales team
    Created the operational rhythm of the sales team.
  • 6
    Hired 1 sales manager and 1 B2B lead generation specialist on a cold basis.
  • 7
    Written and implemented scripts.
  • 8
    Development and implementation of material and non-material motivation.
  • 9
    Creation of a system of leading and lagging indicators.
  • 10
    Development and implementation of an adaptation system.
  • 11
    Assistance with the selection and implementation of CRM; created a system for working in CRM.
  • 12
    Sales process
    Changed the sales process.
  • 13
    Dashboards and planning
    Creation of dashboards and a monthly/quarterly planning system.
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    There was no prescribed organizational structure.
  • One year after the project
    Team Lead, B2C sales managers, B2B sales managers, and an auditor-controller.
Customer review
Oleksandrа Maklyakovа,
co-owner and CEO IQOSA
Review from:
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