Building a cold and warm B2B sales system

«ESKA Capital» — leasing company
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase - 8 weeks
Reformed the existing sales team
Adjusted the organizational system of the sales team
Recruitment and adaptation of sales managers
Implementation of tools to improve control over the quantity and quality of sales
«ESKA Capital» is a universal leasing company that specializes in financing micro and small enterprises in Ukraine. The company provides financing for the purchase of a variety of equipment, including agricultural, trucks, construction and special equipment, as well as passenger cars, which helps entrepreneurs to create and expand their business.
Client's request to us
  • Warm sales
    Non-systematic warm sales.
  • Cold B2B sales
    Lack of cold B2B sales.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    Organizational system of the sales team
    Adjusted organizational system of the sales team.
  • 2
    Hiring and adaptation
    Hiring and adaptation of sales managers.
  • 3
    Sales tools
    Implementation of tools to improve control over the quantity and quality of sales.
  • 4
    Written and implemented scripts.
  • 5
    Case study analysis
    Support and analysis of sales cases.
Customer review
Rating 10/10
«We are very grateful for the implementation of the call calibration system. The system helped managers to understand their mistakes, gain the experience of colleagues and share their «tricks». The training and adaptation system we developed together was very useful», – commented colleagues from ESKA CAPITAL.

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