Reconstruction of B2B sales department. Recruiting.

«Dilovod» — business accounting software
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase - 21 weeks
Support phase - 4 weeks
Built a B2B sales department
Created and implemented a system of motivation and KPI for sales managers
Developed and implemented a system of adaptation
Registered all funnels and business processes in CRM
«Dilovod» is a Ukrainian online accounting and reporting service that simplifies the lives of entrepreneurs and accountants and makes their work more efficient. Helps to maintain a balance between work and personal life.
Client's request to us
  • System sales
    Lack of system sales.
  • KPI
    No leading and lagging indicators for sales managers.
  • Structure of the sales department
    Lack of a clear prescribed structure of the sales department for today and for the future in the case of scaling.
  • Conversion
    Low conversion of hot applications.
  • Scripts
    No scripts.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    System B2B sales department
    Built a B2B sales department.
  • 2
    Operational rhythm
    The operational rhythm of the sales department has been created.
  • 3
    Hired 1 sales manager.
  • 4
    Written and implemented scripts.
  • 5
    Motivation and KPI
    Created and implemented a system of financial and non-financial motivation, as well as a system of leading and lagging indicators.
  • 6
    The adaptation system was developed and implemented.
  • 7
    All funnels and business processes are written in CRM.
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    Several managers in the sales department
  • One year after the project
    Team Lead, sales managers, auditor-controller
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