Reconstruction of the sales department. Recruiting.

“DD Tuning” — car accessories
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase — 17 weeks
Support phase — 4 weeks
Building systematic B2B and B2C sales departments
Growth B2C sales by 50%, growth in B2B sales by 27%, B2C conversion growth by 6%
Created the operational rhythm of the sales department
Developed a quality monitoring system from scratch
DD Tuning was founded in 2004 (priop to 2007, it operated as a sole proprietorship specializing in retailing auto parts and tuning accessories in Chernivtsi.). At the beginning, the company's main specialization was the sale of automotive accessories (cosmetics, automotive bulbs, and other items). In 2006, the company imported products from the Turkish manufacturer Carmos for the first time – stainless steel automotive products (handle overlays, mirrors, bumper grilles, and thresholds). They have thousands of clients from Kyiv, Odesa, and other cities in Ukraine. They also operate worldwide, with many clients from Moldova, Poland, and all European countries.

Client's request to us
  • Systematic sales
    No systematic sales.
  • Sales department structure
    Lack of a clear prescribed structure of the sales department for today. and for the future in the case of scaling.
  • Conversion
    Low conversion rate of hot leads.
  • Scripts
    No scripts.
  • Motivation and KPI
    Managers do not understand how to earn more and what their salary depends on.
  • CRM
    There is no regulation for working with CRM; there is no systematic control by the sales department manager over what happens in CRM.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    Systematic B2B and B2C sales departments
    Growth B2C sales by 50%, growth in B2B sales by 27%, B2C conversion growth by 6%.
  • 2
    Operational rhythm
    Created the operational rhythm of the sales department.
  • 3
    Hiring managers
    Three sales managers have been hired.
  • 4
    Written and implemented scripts.
  • 5
    Developed and implemented a system of motivation for sales managers.
  • 6
    Leading and lagging indicator systems have been created.
  • 7
    An adaptation system has been developed and implemented.
  • 8
    Sales department operations on weekends
    The sales department has been organized to operate in shift mode on weekends.
  • 9
    Quality control
    A quality control manager for the sales department has been hired; a quality control system has been built from scratch.
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    Several sales managers
  • One year after the project
    Team leader, sales managers, auditor-controller
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