Building a remote B2C warm sales department

“Atom University” is an online educational company
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase - 31 weeks
Built system remote sales department
Hired new employees in the remote sales department (writing vacancies, searching, interviews, adaptation)
Writing and implemented scripts
“Atom” is an online company specializing in digital professions with a guarantee of results, a state license and a quality methodology of educational programs.
Client's request to us
  • Remote sales department
    No clear, streamlined remote sales system.
  • Control
    Lack of control over the work of the remote sales department.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    Sales department organizational structure
    Create a sales organization structure.
  • 2
    Hiring employees in a remote sales department (writing vacancies, searching, interviews, adaptation).
  • 3
    Writing and implementing scripts.
  • 4
    Motivation for sales managers
    Development and implementation of motivation.
  • 5
    Assistance in calibrating sales managers.
  • 6
    Training and qualifications of sales employees.
  • 7
    Analysis of cases
    Analysis of cases with managers (calls, meetings, correspondence).
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    Head of sales
  • One year after the project
    Head of sales, sales managers
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