Reconstruction of a warm B2C and B2B sales team

«ARPAL» — Ukrainian manufacturer of wood shredders and chippers.
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase: 25 weeks
Support phase: 10 weeks (to date)
Created a systematic sales system
Increased sales conversion
Hired 2 sales managers and an auditor-controller
Created weekly planning system
«ARPAL» is a Ukrainian manufacturer of wood shredders and wood chippers. Since 2013, it has been producing equipment for the utilization and processing of wood waste. The company's clients include the private sector, utilities, farms and forestries, arborists and other enterprises. Thanks to the combination of highly qualified specialists and excellent service, the company has managed to gain the trust of thousands of customers in Ukraine and around the world.
Client's request to us
  • System sales
    Lack of systematic sales.
  • Structure of the sales team
    Lack of a clear structure of the sales team for today and for the future in case of scaling.
  • Production load
    Lack of production utilization in the required volume.
  • Conversion
    Low conversion of incoming orders.
  • Control of managers
    Lack of control over the work of managers with clients (no listening of calls, no control over work in CRM).
  • KPI
    Lack of leading and lagging indicators of sales managers.
  • Scripts
    Lack of scripts.
  • Dashboards and planning
    Lack of dashboards and planning.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    System sales
    Created systematic sales.
  • 2
    Increased sales conversion rate.
  • 3
    Operational rhythm
    Created the operational rhythm of the sales team.
  • 4
    Hired 2 sales managers and an auditor-controller.
  • 5
    Written and implemented scripts.
  • 6
    Material and non-material motivation
    Development and implementation of material and non-material motivation.
  • 7
    Created a system of leading and lagging indicators.
  • 8
    Development and implementation of an adaptation system.
  • 9
    All the funnels and business processes are registered in CRM.
  • 10
    Dashboards and planning
    Created dashboards and a weekly planning system.
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    Head of the sales department, 3 sales managers.
  • One year after the project
    Head of the sales department, 5 sales managers, and an auditor-controller.
We'll make a free audit of your sales team
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