Building a warm sales department and working with cold department

"ALOHA" - online education
Country: Ukraine
Number of working weeks with GDC:
Active phase - 37 weeks
Reformed warm sales department
Created a system of cold sales
Hired employees for warm sales department
Developed and implemented motivation system for sales managers
ALOHA is an online spoken English school for adults. ALOHA helps you learn spoken English simply and in the shortest possible time.
Client's request to us
  • Warm sales
    Non-system warm sales.
  • Cold sales
    No cold sales.
  • Personnel
    Insufficient qualified personnel.
Results of cooperation with GDC
  • 1
    Organizational structure
    Created the organizational structure of the sales department.
  • 2
    Warm sales department
    Reformed warm sales department.
  • 3
    Cold sales
    Created a system of cold sales.
  • 4
    Hired employees for a warm sales department.
  • 5
    Created and implemented scripts.
  • 6
    Developed and implemented a system of financial and non-financial motivation for sales managers.
  • 7
    Created a system of leading and lagging performance indicators, so that the manager understands which KPIs to pay attention every day.
  • 8
    Assistance in calibrating sales managers.
Organizational structure of the sales department
  • Starting
    Head of sales, sales managers, telemarketers
  • One year after the project
    We introduced the organizational structure of the department:
    Commercial director
    Head of sales
    Sales quality auditor
    CRM controller
    Team leaders
    Sales managers

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